Posted by : Zabran Adam Sunday, 6 May 2012

 Yes, it's been a long time since I've updated this shit, and I apologize, I will try to update it more often.....So I will try to redeem my absence with a long post~

So this post is about a game idea I had quite awhile now (Creating games is one of my life's dream)....and I took alot of inspirations (AKA copy paste ideas and modiefied it abit) from lots of games, movies, anime and etc.

So, the name is SuperHuman, the game is kinda like a modern day Skyrim, a sandbox game where you are a legendary character who holds the key to saving the world. You can kill the people for fun, you can run errands, take jobs, marry someone, rob a bank and other stuff.

Okay, here's the story, set in the modern day, one day aliens suddenly pop out of of nowhere and want to invade us for some reason. Earth, of course, try to fight back, but of course failed to do so, but then out of nowhere, a superhero, the Phantom (which is who'll youll be playing), fought the aliens with his various superpowers!

So, he managed to defeat everything the aliens threw at him, and he succeeded to enter the mothership's main core, so he just casually super punch the core to hell. But nothing happened.

Suddenly he's feeling weakened. To his surprise, the core is actually sucking all his super powers, and he saw his life flashes before his eyes. And just like that, he is reduced to a normal human. Blacked out, he fall from the sky as the world watches their final hope defeated so easily.

So, with the hero gone, business as usual for the aliens, wreaking havoc and making humans slaves and all, you know, the usual stuff you see in most 'alien rule the world' movies.

25 years have passed since the 1st contact with the aliens, and somehow, the Phantom managed to survive with the little ounce of his  super invulnerability left with him! But because of the power sucking the core did, the aliens now have HIS powers. And also because of the fall, he lost alot of his memories.


So, you will start pretty much like in Skyrim, you and a few prisoners are captured by some rogue raiders. You we're close getting executed for some reason, then BAM, an alien scoutship suddenly attack the rogue's base, so in the chaos, you and some prisoners escape, and two of them offer you to follow the (cause you somehow helped them evade the attacks). One is from the HEtA faction, one is from HFF. So your choice to follow whom will effect your storyline.

So you'll do some random missions related to the factions, and because you lost you powers, you mostly use firearms. Then in one of the missions, you somehow managed to take down an alien scoutship. And when you rummage through its wreckage, you see the a small core that powers the ship, and then suddenly, you start to regain your powers and memories back (just a little though!).

So, the more 'soulpower'you retrieve from the alien's core, more powers and memories you receive (like points upgrade to unlock cooler weapons).


I don't want to show much, but I'll list down the basic:

Strength-> You can do strength related stuff, from the basic like heavy lifting and reducing weapon's recoil to upgraded ones like punching tanks and jumping high.

Speed  -> Basics like faster reloading and running to upgraded ones like flash-move (kinda like shundou) and moving so fast that times freezes/slows down.

Ice        -> Basics like shooting icicles to upgraded ones like creating an Absolute Zero.

 There's lots more of course, so you can basically shape the hero you had in mind.

<<FACTIONS AND ENEMIES>> (sorry for the bad picture scans)

One of the guards, they are particularly simple and ragged with their uniforms, and wield firearms. Though they can pack quite a punch.

>>Humanity Freedom Front (HFF)

A faction that completely rejects any deals or alliances with the aliens,and will fight with whatever they have to destroy the aliens.
Much more advanced from their anti-alien friends, the have better uniforms, good protection, and they sometimes use more high-tech weapons.

>>Humans-Extraterestrials Alliance (HEtA)

A faction that try to work together with the aliens, and try to somehow co-exist with them as much as possible.
Yes, the aliens are a floating mass of 3d shapes etched with weird markings and binded together by some weird electricity.  They rarely show their true form, and usually wear on of those tentacles suits.

A regular alien grunt. About the same size with a human. Some of you might ask why does these aliens look like some ancient floating magical rocks that belongs to some fantasy RPG....the answer is because they are aliens, they are suppose to be REALLY weird. And I wanna change the whole idea of aliens being more technologically advanced by showing them having cool gadgets and shit. I mean, they could look like some ancient rocks, but still have advanced technology. Its aliens were talking bout. They are supposed to be other-worldly and weird. 

>>Celestial Beings (Aliens)

The main antagonist, they came to earth for a secret reason that you will know when you finish the game.

That's some freaky looking combination huh? and by the way, she's holding some weird alien firearm.
>>Inter-species protoypes (Hybrids)

A product of the aliens experiments on humans and animals, they produce this weird alien/human/animal freaks that have some powerful skills and powers.


An enemy type, basically humans that wants the earth to turn into wild west, they do shit whatever and whenever they want, and don't give two shits bout what is happening in earth.


An enemy type, they're are zombie like humans that have been attacked by the alien's biological weapons. They're many types, from normal zombies to vampire like creatures. Animals are affected too.

Those are some basic enemy ideas. More will come I guess. And no matter what faction you choose, you will always end up facing the final alien boss somehow, and will try to defeat the core that have once sucked your powers.
Phantom facing off one of the game's boss. Yes, the hero is wearing a mask and a fedora. I kinda reject the idea of superheroes with silly overcomplicated costumes, I mean, it's the future, people laugh at that shit in reality. So, this hero just wear everyday clothes, and when trouble comes, he just puts on a mask to hide his identity, and go fight. Simple as that.


So that's basically it, it kinda mix of Skyrim, Protoype, GTA, Darksiders and Battlefield (planning it to be a first person perspective game).

So hopefully it will become a reality somehow haha.

BTW, I have alot of pages of comics to draw, and my University results coming in, so I'm kinda busy after this, but no fear, I will try to update it as best as I can.

For you Malaysians readers, I've finisheda short comic titled 'Mat Hoodie', here's the link , and plz comment about it.

I really need to speed up my works, cuz most of em are largely delayed. Work faster!!

With that, good evening/morning/afternoon and see you next time!

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