Posted by : Zabran Adam Thursday, 13 February 2014

It seems that I've found a new found interest, paint splash/splatter/blots/whatever you call them. I'm still figuring out how did this interest start...
I was playing around with paint tool SAI and this came out. I guess this was my first time doing the style 

I was starting to like the style, so I applied it to my Kill La Kill fan art. As you can see, there isn't much splatter...more like blobs. Well I AM improving~

Anyways, I've been playing with this particular style. I love the messy, grunge like feel it gives, but still have a form and can deliver a message. In a way, this style is the closest thing I might get into abstract art.

Madoka Magica fan art. Ink blots are fine too.

Another application of it in my Madoka fan art.

A cancelled OC of mine. What I like about the style is the eyes. When done right, it makes the eyes looks gorgeous...or scary, depending on what colour you use.

Another application of it, with a Beyond  the Boundary fan art.

Farawe...I'm thinking  of re-doing it.

Ink blots! I love to use this style on eyes!

Haruhi Suzumiya fan art.

Got new headphones...dat bass...

I'm still searching for artist who do practice the style. Yes, I know of Jackson Pollock, but his style is way too deep for me. So if you know anyone that practices splatter style without being too deep into fine-art territory , do tell me.

I prefer doing the paint splatter myself, making them from scratch, imagining how splatter and the flow/drips looks like, random blot, etc. I'm not a fan of just downloading some Photoshop brushes of splatter brush and just using it like that, but sometimes they look too good to pass off.

Z.illustrations and Behance


Aaand I made a Facebook page where I upload my arts It's the most frequently updated one compared to my others. Do support it : Z.illustrations

Behance is also updated, but only relevant stuff...professional looking stuff (I have no idea what I'm saying). Anyways, link is here.

Anyways, that's all for now, stay tuned for other posts and rants from me.

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. Have you researched the interpretations of Pollock's work through experts and his own? Maybe you learn from it and simplify it in your own way. In my humble opinion, these sort of 'deep art' relies on one knowing the histories and motives; not simply loving and, especially, understanding it at first glance :P




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